
Proactive Management of Uncertainty using t e-bog

Proactive Management of Uncertainty using the Successive Principle

Udgivelsesår: 2023 (PDF udgave)
Sider: 337
Udgave: 2. udgave

Økonomi og kalkulation
593,75 inkl. moms

This book was written at the urgent request of managers, project managers and their key staff members in several countries. It was also written in response to the rapidly growing importance not only of recognising the oppressive and complex uncertainty around us, but also of using it proactively. The book is designed to be of direct use to:

Managers and decision-makers who frequently find themselves trying to accommodate the delicate balance between the commercial imperatives of efficiency and competitiveness on the one hand and the rising challenge of social issues, changing human resources and environmental considerations on the other.

Controllers and other key staff members, who conscientiously continue to improve on the vital skilled support available to management and decision-makers.

Others, already in a career, whether in business, public service or in higher education, who want to upgrade their skills in the area of management, planning and project economy as part of that career.

Advanced students who have planned a career in this area, and therefore feel they need to be in command of the latest and most developed skills and ideas with which to tackle the challenges they will face.

This book is a practical manual rather than a textbook, and definitely not an academic monograph. It is written for all those who work directly with or who support management, planners, and decision- makers. For this reason, the book does not include deeper treatment of the underlying theory, alternative methods, many references etc.

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