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real esg – the real estate reporting framework, prototype 0.9 51 the real estate reporting framework ressourcer real esg – the real estate reporting framework, prototype 0.9 52 Bidragsydere Ali Simiab (Simiab) Anna-MeJe Monnelly (Søren Jensen) Bertram SkoJe (Danske Bank) Bjarne Jørgensen (Realkredit Danmark) Bryan Dufour (DeloiJe) Buket Tozan (BUILD) Carsten Nymann (Realkredit Danmark) Christian Gjessing Bruun (AKF) Christian Haaber Westergaard Nielsen (Thylander) Christina Graversen Krath (Danske Bank) Christina Hvid (Molio) Jonathan Leonardsen (Balder) MajbriJ Skov (DeloiJe) Mia Heide (NIRAS) MeJe Qvist (EjendomDanmark) Morten Fassov (Danica Ejendomme) Peter Hebin Bruun (ATP Ejendomme) Rasmus Thingholm (Djøf Advokat) Rune Andersen (DTU Sustain) Sofie Wedel Heilskov (KAB) real esg – the real estate reporting framework, prototype 0.9 53 Litteratur Energistyrelsen i samarbejde med Erhvervsstyrelsen: Klimakompasset, udvidet vejledning, ver- sion 2.0, 2023 GRESB, IIÖ og PCAF: Accounting and reporting of GHG emissions from real estate operations, version 1.0, 2023 Komitéen for god Selskabsledelse: Anbefalinger for god Selskabsledelse, december 2020 Science Based Targets initiative: Building sector science based target seJing guidance, version 1.5, draft UK Green Building Council: Guide to Scope 3 Reporting in Commercial Real Estate, 2019 United Nations Environment Programme: UN-convened Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance: Target SeJing Protocol, 3. udg., 2023 World Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development: Corporate Va- lue Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard, e-reader version, 2011 World Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development: GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard Revised, 2004 World Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development: GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance, an amendment to the GHG Protocol Accounting and Reporting Stan- dard Revised, 2015