Peter Bo Olsen, 59, has joined Molio as a standardization specialist. His job will be to facilitate international cooperation in buildingSMART, develop the Danish buildingSMART network and disseminate the inherent value of buildingSMART tools.
Experienced digitization expert joins buildingSMART Denmark

Focus on the value of openBIM
The ring is closed, as streamlining processes based on openBIM and information management in relation to the ongoing international ISO 19650 standardization has been a recurring theme for Peter Bo Olsen's work. For several years he has evaluated, documented and disseminated digital practices on building and construction projects.
”BuildingSMART Denmark's work is very relevant, and I’m looking forward to raise awareness of buildingSMART in the Danish building and construction industry by demonstrating how open standards and common file formats create value on several parameters,” says Peter Bo Olsen.
A significant capacity
Ole Berard is Head of Digitization at Molio and is responsible for buildingSMART Denmark and ConTech Lab. He is pleased that he has succeeded in getting Peter Bo Olsen onboard. “Peter Bo Olsen is a significant capacity, and I am very happy that he has agreed to help us lift buildingSMART Denmark's work. Peter Bo has a tremendous knowledge and practical experience, and he also understands the strategic work and is good at developing and maintaining relevant networks. All of which are focus areas for buildingSMART Denmark’s future endeavours,” says Ole Berard.
One of Denmark's most experienced digitization experts
Since 2015, Peter Bo Olsen has been a technical expert in the European BIM standardization in CEN / TC 442 and on the Danish Standard S-808 committee (BIM) with a focus on information management in accordance with the ISO 19650 standards, and good practice with openBIM. Peter Bo is also a co-author of ‘DS / CEN / TR 17439: 2020 guide on the implementation of EN ISO 19650-1 and -2 in Europe’, published June 2020. Since June 2002, he has been a buildingSMART Denmark Fellow and has been a member of buildingSMART International Awards jury in 2020 and 2021.
Peter Bo Olsen is one of Denmark's most experienced digitization experts with more than 3 decades of work experience. For 29 years he held numerous different roles in MT Højgaard, one of Denmark’s largest construction companies, with focus on BIM and digitization. For the period 2018 to 2021, he was Senior Technical Director, VDC Planning & Support, and he left MT Højgaard to become an independent consultant in InformationManagement4U. Peter Bo has a bachelor's degree in computer science from Aalborg University and a master's degree in Information Technology from the University of Southern Denmark.
In addition to his assignments in buildingSMART, Peter Bo will also update Molio's ICT tools to comply with international ISO 19650 standards.