Sessioner til dig, der arbejder med uddannelse
Circular economy approach in prefabricated construction
The panel will feature case-study of concrete prefabricated elements reuse in large scale office development in Stockholm, Sweden, providing insight into tight collaboration of developer, general contractor and producer in spotting optimal reuse solutions for the project. The panel will proceed with discussion on challenges of supplier chain of reused elements in Sweden, barriers and opportunities of circular construction.
Inese Jurevica, UBP
Arturs Lukasenoks, MB Betons
Circularity Routemap
What are the key regulatory, economic, environmental and social influences that will shape the speed and extent of change from current ‘business as usual’? This interactive session will consider the milestones that should be considered over the next 10-15 years in the transition towards circular economy.
Gilli Hobbs, Reusefully Ltd.
Danish research on circular solutions for the built environment
Danish universities within engineering are focused on circular construction. From basic to applied research, collaboration between universities and industry is key to supporting innovative solutions. An overview of research topics and inspiration is provided here.
Sessionsledere / oplægsholdere
Morten Birkved, SDU
Steffen Petersen, AU
Harpa Birgisdottir, AAU
Lisbeth Ottosen, DTU