Molio Magazine

Molio Magazine is about the digital transformation in the construction industry. You can find interesting articles about digital trends in the construction industry and interviews with decision makers who share their knowledge and experiences. The magazine is published in october 2020. Download it and get good inspiration for free.

Download in English

Molio has translated Molio Magazine into english in order to be able to distribute internationally. Besides the magazine, Molio has initiated a thorough study of digitalization in the construction industry in Denmark; The Digital Barometer in the Construction Industry.

The barometer was made in august 2020 and provides a current picture of what the industry itself perceives as the biggest challenges, drivers and barriers in relation to the digital transformation. The mainresults from the barometer is presented in Molio Magazine and put into perspective with a number of digital trends and interview articles with key players and decision makers from the industry.

BIM Specifications in english

Are you aware, that Molio has translated BIM Specifications A102 (en) as well? 

You are welcome to contact us for further information on the Molio Magazine or the BIM Specifications.